Welcome, my lovely stellar beings!

We’ve finally made it into a new year and there is truly no rest for the wicked. In this first 2021 issue of The Reminiscence we’ll look into some of the recent developments in our process and the road ahead.

“Coming to Kickstarter in Q1 2021” – some of you might remember those magical words, posted on September 17, 2020. Unless something truly unexpected happens, we will try to make that happen. That also means that there will be no long cozy winter break for us, snuggled up in our blankets with lots of tea and cookies. Instead, we’ll be picking up the pace to prepare for the storm to come. At one point, soon, soon, we might even give you an actual date.

We’ve given you plenty of (digital) pictures so far, but let’s not forget, this is manifesting itself in the forms of a game, with wonderful cards and a very pretty two-sided board. There will be a avalanche on other items and trinkets but more on that later ….

Over the last weeks, we were busy doing test prints for the physical components in various sizes. Some cards were printed in both the size used in the game, but also in the traditional Tarot format. Oh, the joy of finally holding these cards in our hands and tossing them about!

You’ll be certainly seeing more of those soon! We also finished the design for the new board and

couldn’t resist but to have that printed as well. That means that we’ll be able to show you the actual game on the actual boards with (some of) the actual cards!

At this point, we would like those of you who gave us feedback in our recent social media surveys. We’ll use our newly gained treasures to address a very urgent point that stood out:

“I don’t quite understand how the game works.”

A very valid point, we have talked a lot about Dioscoria and shrouded isles, but have remained quite vague concerning the actual game on social media. This will be addressed in a series of tutorial posts, videos and streams over the next weeks. And of course you can always contact us through the numerous channels if questions should arise.

But until then: Stay safe and connected with each other!

Georg, Card Master for Sefirot